Function isApproved

  • Determines whether the specified token is approved for the provided handler address.


    // Assuming you have a valid tokenId, an ERC721 token instance (tokenInstance), and a handler address (handlerAddress)
    const tokenApproved = await isApproved(tokenId, tokenInstance, handlerAddress);
    console.log(`Token approval status for ${tokenID}:`, isApproved);


    A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the token is approved for the handler address.


    • tokenId: number

      The TokenId of the token to be checked.

    • tokenInstance: ERC721MinterBurnerPauser

      The ERC721 token instance used to query the approval status.

    • handlerAddress: string

      The handler address for which the token approval status is checked.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

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